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Holmesglen institute visit to SET Chinatown Office on 15/3/2012

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 03/04/2012. Đăng trong Institution Visiting Set. Lượt xem : 4403

Holmesglen q5

Ms. Attheena, Senior marketing officer, with SET Chinatown Staff 

Đọc tiếp

New South Wales Government visit to SET Chinatown Office on 13/3/2012

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 03/04/2012. Đăng trong Institution Visiting Set. Lượt xem : 4023


Mr. Milton - DEC International & and Mr Brian - Principal of Chester Hill High School: Interviewing with student's parents...



...and with SET China Town Office's Staff

Đọc tiếp

Newcastle International College – NIC

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 29/03/2012. Đăng trong Giới thiệu về Trường. Lượt xem : 4670

Newcastle International College - NIC, thành viên mới của các trường cao đẳng liên thông đại học thuộc nhóm Navitas.Tọa lạc tại thành phố biển xinh đẹp Newcastle, cách Sydney chỉ 2 giờ  bằng tàu điện, nó đem lại cho bạn tất cả những cơ sở hạ tầng và dịch vụ mà Sydney có. 


NIC nằm ngay trong khuôn viên trường đại học University of Newcastle’s Callaghan campus. Lựa chọn học tập tại NIC chính là cơ hội vào cánh cửa đại học University of Newcastle - trường nằm trong top 60 các trường đại học được công nhận toàn cầu ở khu vực Châu Á Thái Bình Dương, và khoa Kỹ Thuật của trường là thành viên của nhóm 8 các trường Đại Học Úc.

NIC giảng dạy các văn bằng: Cert IV, Diploma. Hoàn tất khóa Diploma tại NIC, bạn sẽ được vào thẳng năm 2 đại học University of Newcastle.


Chương trinh Diploma cấp tốc (8 tháng) sau đó chuyển tiếp lên năm 2 đại học, vì thế, bạn có thể hoàn tất bằng đại học trong thời gian chỉ 2 năm 8 tháng mà thôi

Tọa lạc trong khuôn viên trường đại học Newcastle

Sinh viên được sử dụng tất cả các dịch vụ, cơ sở vật chất của trường đại học bao gồm thư viện tốt nhất Úc, khu thể thao ( hồ bơi theo chuẩn Olymic), hội sinh viên và ký túc xá

Chương trình học cấp độ đại học nhưng lớp học ít sinh viên hơn, vì thế nhận được nhiều hỗ trợ hơn. Sinh viên được giáo viên của đại học giảng dạy.

NIC giúp bạn chuẩn bị tốt nhất trước khi bước vào chương trình đại học, sẵn sàng cho công việc và tỷ lệ tốt nghiệp có việc làm cao

Đọc tiếp

Úc – Sydney: phòng cho thuê ở Fairfield

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 27/03/2012. Đăng trong Tìm chỗ trọ. Lượt xem : 5373

32 thorney road fairfield west 2165 NSW - rental

Đọc tiếp

Lưu ý về thời gian du học sinh tại Úc được phép làm việc

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 27/03/2012. Đăng trong Thông tin Visa. Lượt xem : 6240

Bắt đầu từ ngày 24/03/2012, thời gian làm việc dành cho sinh viên quốc tế tại Úc được tăng lên 40 giờ/ 2 tuần (14 ngày). Áp dụng cho tất cả du học sinh mới và du học sinh đang học tập tại Úc. 


Lưu ý:

  • Số giờ làm việc của mỗi 2 tuần liên tiếp không được quá 40 giờ
  • 2 tuần ở đây được tính từ Thứ Hai của tuần này đến Chủ Nhật của tuần tiếp theo

Ví dụ:

  • Tuần 1 - bạn làm 15 giờ
  • Tuần 2 - bạn làm 25 giờ
  • Tuần 3 - bạn làm 25 giờ
  • Tuần 4 - bạn làm 10 giờ

Trong ví dụ trên: Tổng số giờ bạn đi làm của (Tuần 1 + Tuần 2) và tổng số giờ bạn đi làm của (Tuần 3+ Tuần 4) không quá 40 giờ, bạn không phạm luật, nhưng tổng số giờ bạn đi làm của (Tuần 2 + Tuần 3) đã vượt quá 40 giờ cho phép (50 giờ). Bạn đã phạm luật.

Lưu ý trong việc sắp xếp thời gian đi làm hợp lý để không ảnh hưởng đến việc học và visa của bạn nhé. Nếu bị phát hiện làm quá số giờ quy định, visa của bạn sẽ bị hủy và bạn buộc phải quay về Việt Nam ngay. Kể từ ngày bị hủy visa, 3 năm sau bạn mới có thể nộp hồ sơ xin lại visa.

Đối với học sinh dưới 15 tuổi, bạn không được phép đi làm trong giờ học (school hours).

(theo thông tin từ website Bộ Di Trú Úc www.immi.gov.au)

Đọc tiếp

RMIT Australia’s visit to SET Education – HQ

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 26/03/2012. Đăng trong Institution Visiting Set. Lượt xem : 4819

IMG 3335

Mr Nigel - Director of RMIT College Australia with SET Education staff at Head office

Đọc tiếp

Cập nhật thay đổi trong việc xét visa du học Úc (23/03/2012)

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 23/03/2012. Đăng trong Thông tin Visa. Lượt xem : 9008

Với những thay đổi mới từ luật di trú Úc dành cho visa du học áp dụng kể từ ngày 24/03/2012, du học sinh Việt Nam có thêm nhiều thuận lợi trong việc xin visa du học:


Thông tin chi tiết xin xem ở bảng bên dưới hoặc đăng ký tham dự Hội thảo thông tin để giúp quý vị phụ huynh và học sinh hiểu rõ về những thuận lợi của luật visa du học mới cũng những quyền lợi và điều kiện kèm theo. Thông tin hội thảo xin xem thêm tại đây.

Liên lạc các văn phòng của DU HỌC SET ngay hôm nay để được tư vấn và làm hồ sơ hoàn toàn miễn phí!

Knight Review of the Student Visa Program—Recommendations with Expected Implementation Date

australian government seal 325

The following table outlines the recommendations from the Knight Report:

NumberRecommendationProposed/actual Implementation Date
1 That a new element be introduced into the eligibility criteria for a student visa. That new criterion will be to assess whether the applicant is a genuine temporary entrant. This new criterion should be the first to be considered in assessing any application for a student visa. Completed – 5 November 2011
2 A successful applicant must be both a genuine temporary entrant and a genuine student. Completed – 5 November 2011
3.1 That all students in the categories set out below, irrespective of their country of origin – but subject to the provisions in 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 should be treated as though they are all Assessment Level 1. Completed – 24 March 2012
3.2 This treatment should apply to the following university student applicants:
  • Bachelor Degree
  • 2 plus 2 (or 3 plus 1) arrangements with partner universities
  • Masters Degree by Coursework.
Completed – 24 March 2012
3.3 The special treatment should not applyto:
  • short courses
  • Associate Degree
  • Graduate diploma
  • Graduate certificate
  • Diploma and Advanced Diploma
  • non-award courses (except as provided for in Recommendation 18)
  • the non-university courses at the six universities which are dual sector (VET and university).
Completed – 24 March 2012
3.4 The benefits should also apply to courses which are explicitly packaged with an eligible university course at the time when the offer of university enrolment is made. This might include English language (ELICOS) and/or foundation or pathway courses in circumstances where non-compliance by the student at any part of the package would be regarded as non-compliance with the university enrolment. Completed – 24 March 2012
3.5 The government should continue to require appropriate health checks, health insurance, character (predominantly criminal record/connections) and security checks. Process currently in place
3.6 The underlying DIAC powers in regard to every individual student application should continue to exist. Process currently in place
3.7 The government should also reserve the right to exclude certain high risk groups from the streamlined approach for university applicants. For example, the government might want to carefully assess all applicants from a persecuted minority group in a particular country. Applicants from such a group might have a huge incentive to apply for protection visas as soon as they reach Australia. The Australian Government may or may not wish to take such people on humanitarian grounds but that should be a separate decision and should not get mixed up with the process of granting visas for university students. Completed – 24 March 2012
4.1* All graduates of an Australian university Bachelor degree, who have spent at least two academic years studying that degree in Australia, and who have complied with their visa conditions, should receive two years work rights. Early 2013
4.2* All graduates of an Australian university Masters by course work degree, who have studied that degree in Australia, and who have complied with their visa conditions, should receive two years work rights on successful completion of their course. Early 2013
4.3* This should apply irrespective of the nature of the course (for example whether it be Arts or Engineering) and not be tied to working in any particular occupation. Early 2013
4.4* The mechanism for taking up these work rights should be administratively very simple with the following components:
  • the university must notify that the course has been successfully completed. (This will be earlier than the formal graduation which could be many months after the course has been completed),
  • DIAC should not undertake any detailed, time consuming, assessment of the applicant,
  • the scheme must be one which can be marketed by the universities to prospective student as almost guaranteeing post study work rights.
Early 2013
5 That all Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students – visa subclass 574 - be treated as though they are all Assessment Level 1 applicants. Completed – 24 March 2012
6 That where any English language or other preparatory course is required by the HDR provider then the whole package still be treated as Assessment Level 1. Completed – 24 March 2012
7 That all Higher Degree by Research students be given unlimited work rights. Completed – 26 March 2012
8* Masters by Research graduates should receive three years post-study work rights and PhD graduates four years. Early 2013
9 That the visa arrangements for Higher Degree by Research students be such that an extension for up to six months after submission of their thesis is available if needed during the interactive marking process. Completed – 5 November 2011
10 That, provided the integrity measures relating to the revised criteria for a student visa are implemented (as set out in Recommendation 1), the threshold English language test requirements for stand alone ELICOS students be removed. Completed – 5 November 2011
11 That the English language requirements for school students in Assessment Level 4 be the same as those applying for Assessment Level 1 through to Assessment Level 3 and the associated waiver scheme abolished. Completed – 24 March 2012
12 The maximum period of time a school student visa holder can study English be 50 weeks across all assessment levels. Completed – 24 March 2012
13 That the current restrictions on student guardians of a maximum of three months of study be maintained but unlimited part-time study rights for ELICOS study only be allowed. Completed – 24 March 2012
14 That pre-paid homestay fees be included in financial assessments on the same basis as pre-paid boarding fees. Completed – 5 November 2011
15 That as a matter of some urgency AusAID, DIAC, DOHA and other relevant Australian government agencies develop an integrated policy in relation to the award of scholarships and how visa arrangements for awardees are to be managed. In particular they should address the situation of potential awardees who have a disability or HIV. Ongoing
16 That PhD students entering under the subclass 576 visa have access to the same extension provisions recommended for Higher Degree by Research students in Recommendation 9, provided AusAID is prepared to fund their extended period. First half 2012
17 That DIAC and DEEWR meet with State education authorities to work out what can be done to avoid the situation where a visa for a child dependent cannot be granted until proof of enrolment is present and state education authorities will not grant such proof until proof of visa grant is made. Any agreed remedy should apply across all student visa subclasses. Ongoing
18 That students coming for semester or year long non-award courses at an Australian university as part of their home universities degree and/or as part of an agreed student exchange between universities be given access to streamlined processing as outlined in Recommendation 3. Completed – 24 March 2012
19 That DIAC undertake specific research targeted at integrity and compliance issues into student visa outcomes, including both primary and secondary applicants, to inform policy development. Ongoing
20 That DIAC be appropriately funded to further develop research capability across the program. Ongoing
21 That DIAC, to the extent permitted by legislation, co-operate with its counterparts across all levels of government to facilitate information sharing, to inform evidence based decision making. Ongoing
22 In the event that the research over the next 12 months reveals systemic abuse of dependant (secondary applicant) visas, that the government seriously consider mirroring the recent UK policy and restrict visas to Masters and above courses unless the primary applicant is sponsored by a government. Ongoing
23 Current arrangements whereby SCVs automatically become NCNs should cease. SCV information should continue to be conveyed to DIAC who should use it as an input into a more targeted and strategic analysis of non-compliance. Completed – 10 December 2011
24 Automatic cancellation of student visas should be abolished and replaced by a system in which information conveyed by SCVs is used as an input into a more targeted and strategic analysis of non-compliance. Mid 2012
25 The mandatory cancellation requirement for unsatisfactory attendance, unsatisfactory progress and working in excess of the hours allowed should be removed, giving DIAC officers the discretion to determine cancellation in particular cases on their merits. Mid 2012
26 DIAC should concentrate its compliance and integrity resources in relation to student visas on the highest risk areas. Ongoing
27 DIAC should not only respond to information generated by PRISMS but also be proactive in detecting the sorts of breaches (for example sham marriages and exceeding permissible work hours) which are not reported in PRISMS. Ongoing
28 That student work entitlements be measured as 40 hours per fortnight instead of 20 hours per week. Completed – 26 March 2012
29 That the necessary legislative changes be made to require the name of any agent involved to be entered into the student’s data into PRISMS. First half of 2012
30 That DEEWR take steps to encourage providers to voluntarily enter agent data into PRISMS in the interim before the ESOS Act is changed to make this mandatory. 2012
31 That DEEWR and DIAC establish a single student identifier to track international students through their studies in Australia. Ongoing
32 That DIAC undertake a review of the Assessment Level framework, with a mind to either abolishing the system entirely or modifying the framework to make it relevant to current and future challenges facing the student visa program. This review should be managed by DIAC but should include reference to an external panel or reference group. Mid 2012
33 That DIAC upgrade its liaison at overseas posts with migration and education agents in relation to the student visa program, including regular meetings to keep agents abreast of any changes in rules and procedures. Ongoing
34 That Austrade be asked to prepare a more detailed outlook document that provides effective business planning intelligence demonstrating the opportunities, for offshore provision of vocational education. Ongoing
35 That the highest quality Australian VET providers including TAFEs, be encouraged to explore offshore market opportunities. Ongoing
36 That the Australian Government, through programs such as the Export Market Development Grants Scheme and other forms of assistance, support high quality Australian vocational education providers in expanding their offshore training services. Ongoing
37 That DIAC constitute an Education Visa Advisory Group as a primary means of regular two way communication between stakeholders in the international education sector and DIAC. Meetings held on 26 October 2011 and 22 February 2012.
38 That the policy regarding Pre-Visa Assessment (PVA) be discontinued. Completed – 5 November 2011
39 That student visas be allowed to be granted in advance of four months before the commencement of the relevant course. Where necessary visas should specify a date before which the holder cannot enter Australia. Completed – 24 March 2012
40 That DIAC regularly reviews the current living cost amount, and based on the CPI or other measure amend the amount, as required. Mid 2012
41 That DIAC review the exclusion criteria and policy which relate to student visa non-compliance. Ongoing

(theo website Bộ Di Trú Úc)

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