Topic IELTS Speaking tháng 8.2010
Được viết bởi Set Education.
Đăng ngày 27/08/2010.
Đăng trong Đề thi IELTS.
Lượt xem : 11606
Gửi Email bài này
Part 2
Describe a card or postcard you have received
You should say:
+ when and from where you received it
+ who sent it to you
+ what was written on it
And also tell how you felt when receiving that card / postcard
Part 3
- On what occasion do people usually send cards or postcards in your country?
- Which do you like better, giving someone a present or a card?
- Compare between a card and an electronic card.
- Do you think cards or presents for children should be different?
- n the future will people still use cards?
SET Education xin cám ơn bạn Minh Mẫn đã cung cấp thông tin thực tế để xây dựng đề thi trên.