Topic IELTS ***MỚI*** THÁNG 12: Không dễ!!!

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 10/12/2010. Đăng trong Đề thi IELTS. Lượt xem : 14154

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Museums for many years have been the places of knowledge and cultural exchange. Nowadays there are more and more resources on the Internet and museums will not be needed in the future. To what extent do you agree with this statement?


Câu hỏi phỏng vấn

– What is your name?
– Where is your hometown?
– What is your hometown famous for?

Thẻ nói

Talk about something you learned to do very well (eg. cooking or driving), please say
– What skill did you acquire?
– How did you acquire that skill?
– How is it important?

Câu hỏi khai triển

– What are the practical skills acquired by children at school?
– How important are these skills?
– Do children acquire certain skills easier/faster than adults?
– What do you think about team building in the work place, is it important?
– Do you like learning new things?
– Is it important that employers pay for skill development courses for their employees?


Phần 1. A telephone conversation between a lady and a travel agent related to booking a 3-day holiday.

Questions: filling in gaps in daily schedules, the questions were about average day temperature, facilities and things to do.

Phần 2. A map of an art center where you had to mark certain buildings.

Questions: Match the artist with type of art. Fill in gaps in daily schedule.

Phần 3. Conversation with students who came to a chimpanzee research center.

Phần 4. Không ghi nhớ được nội dung.



Passage 1. An article on dugongs (sea cows).
Passage 2. An article on researches related to twins.
Passage 3. An article on electronic equipment on board of an airplane.






Câu hỏi phỏng vấn

– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where do you live?
– Tell me about your hometown.
– Where do young people go to have fun in your hometown?
– Where young people used to go for fun in past?
– What games were you playing in the past?
– Did you always play indoor games?
– Can boys and girls play together in your hometown?
– Could they play together in old days also?

Thẻ nói

Describe an occasion on which you were late, please say
– Why were you late?
– What did you miss because of being late?
– What did you have to face after being late?

Câu hỏi khai triển

– What are the reasons people are late in your city?
– Are you punctual?
– What are the reasons you usually are late?
– What are the traffic problems in your hometown?
– Do you think sometimes time passes too slowly? When?
– Do you think this feeling of slow passage of time depends on age or situation?
– Why is it / is it not associated with age?
– Are people punctual in your hometown? If not, why?
– In what situation being late doesn’t matter?
– What are the situations when being on time is necessary?


Section 1. A lady was getting information about opening a savings account in a bank.
Section 2. A welcoming speech given to visitors of Green Island park.
Section 3. A conversation about some research.
Section 4. A talk about the purpose of sharing new researches.


Passage 1. About whether or not ethanol is necessary.
Passage 2. About hibernation and its different aspects.
Passage 3. Computers as technological boom.


Writing Task 1 (a report)

There were a table and a chart comparing the amount on money spent by students studying in 4 countries in 2005.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Scientists believe that computers will become more intelligent than human beings. Some people find it a positive development while others think it is negative development. Discuss both points and give your own opinion.

