Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 19/10/2009. Đăng trong Học bổng du học Úc. Lượt xem : 4748

Tuart College can offer three full tuition scholarships ($14,200) and ten part scholarships ($5000) to worthy students in 2010.

I look forward to receiving applications from suitably qualified students through your agency by the closing date of the 31 of October, 2009.Candidates will be notified of the results of their applications by the 15 of November 2009.


Tuart College has decided to delay the start of our January orientation program in 2010. The revised start date will be 20 January. Offers received by students earlier in the year indicated a start date of the 17 of January. Please be assured that all CoE’s issued from now will have the new date upon them and that the pre departure kit issued to students will specify the revised date as well.


I recently received advice from Curtin University stating that their Pharmacy faculty has allocated five places in their Bachelor of Pharmacy program to graduates of Tuart College.

Of course, aspiring applicants must still meet the CPS, ELACS and pre-requisite requirements to enter this competitive course. If prospective students are interested in obtaining one of the allocated places, they will need to complete a package program with Curtin University and obtain a 573 visa.


There are number of circumstances in which students may wish to obtain a Package Program with a university. In order for this to happen, the following documents need to be completed and returned to Tuart College.

1. Tuart College application form

2. Tuart College Package Program form.

3. Appropriate University application form.

In addition to the completed forms, the deposit required by each university needs to be forwarded to Tuart College. We will then forward this to the university. The amount of this deposit varies for each university and is displayed on the Tuart College Package Program Form.

Once we have issued our CoE, we can forward it to the university and they will then issue their CoE which can be used to obtain the 573 visa.

It is important to note that in most situations, it is not necessary to obtain a Package Program and a 573 visa for a student as the WAUF Program gives the student access to all Western Australian public universities.

This allows students greater flexibility and choice of both course and university if they choose to apply for a 571 visa.


I look forward to receiving applications for our courses which commence in the early part of 2010. Here is a summary of the programs on offer which commence in January and April

40 Week Bridging— which has both an intensive English and an academic stream.

Year 12 WAUFP— our popular Foundation program designed for international students on a pathway to university.

Year 12 WACE— this program is replacing the TEE. It is not designed for international students , but in some circumstances they may wish to enroll in it.

30 Week Bridging— the first 10 weeks of this course concentrate on improving English language skills, whilst students generally study an academic program in second semester.

April Start WAUFP— the accelerated version of the WAUFP.

If you have any enquiries about these programs please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Tuart College, providers of high quality International education for over 20 years.


Edited by Phil LEVITZKE

Tuart College International Students’ Office

Banksia Street, TUART HILL WA 6060

Phone: +618 9242 6222 Fax: +618 9444 0913

Email: iso@tuartcollege.wa.edu.au

Website: www.tuartcollege.wa.edu.au

CRICOS Code; 00465M
