Author Archives: Set Education

Phần 5: Vốn từ vựng

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 25/03/2010. Đăng trong Free IELTS Online. Lượt xem : 18604

Bài học này sẽ đề cập đến các chiến lược để đối phó với yêu cầu về vốn từ vựng, được dùng khi đánh giá khả năng của các thí sinh dự thi IELTS. Trong bài thi viết, việc triển khai và mở rộng thông tin bằng cách dùng những từ ngữ có tính miêu tả và cụ thể sẽ giúp bạn thể hiện ý tưởng của mình rõ ràng và cho người chấm thi thấy được vốn từ phong phú của bạn.

{rokaccess guest} Đăng ký thành viên để xem nội dung chi tiết {/rokaccess} {rokaccess !guest}

1) Clip 1: Vocabulary Range

2) Clip 2: Vocabulary Exercise

3) Printable Documents

     a) Notes for Study


Build your vocabulary on a range of topics. Remember that your topic vocabulary should include word forms (adjective, noun, verb and adverb), related vocabulary (synonyms, opposites) and collocations (adjective + noun or verb + adverb).

Try to learn some idiomatic expressions as well.

Watch your spelling. It counts too!


Expanding on information and extending topic vocabulary in your IELTS Writing tasks allow you to convey meaning more precisely. This also allows you to demonstrate your use of a wider range of vocabulary, and command of word forms and word order. These features, word forms and word order, describe Vocabulary, one of the criteria used to assess your writing.

Nominal Groups

In formal academic writing, one of the means by which information can be expanded on is through the use of nominal groups. A nominal group structure consists of a main noun which is surrounded by other words or phrases that serve to describe or characterise the noun.

Here is the structure of a nominal group:



head noun



determiners* + adjectives


prepositional phrases


*Examples of Determiners


a, an, the


my, your, his/her, its, their, one’s, whose


this, these, that, those


each, every, some, many, most, fewer, several


Types of Nominal Groups

There are four types of nominal groups:



head noun only – this is the main noun within the group or clause







head noun


greater community





head noun





of environmental issues




head noun



greater community


of environmental issues

greater community awareness of environmental issues


Deconstruction of nominal groups

Nominal groups are important because they provide the subject matter or content of your essay.

Here is a topic sentence from a sample IELTS Writing Task 2 essay addressing the topic of recycling.

Community response to the importance of disposing of waste materials responsibly is reflected in its participation in various recycling programs.

The nominal groups in this topic sentence are deconstructed to see how information is expanded on and contextualised.

There are five nominal groups in this sentence. Here is a breakdown of those groups.

Nominal Group 1




head noun



An adjective is used to describe whose response, adding additional meaning.

community response


Nominal Group 2

head noun



prepositional phrase


to the importance of disposing of waste materials (responsibly)

A prepositional phrase is used to add more information, in particular what the response is aimed at, namely the importance.

response to the importance of disposing of waste materials (responsibly)


Nominal Group 3

head noun



prepositional phrase


adverb -

the manner in which waste

should be disposed of

the importance

of disposing of waste materials


Importance is now the head noun to which more information is added using a prepositional phrase to specify what is important of disposing of waste materials. The adverb responsibly modifies disposing.

the importance of disposing of waste materials responsibly

The information conveyed in the postmodifier can be expressed in the following simple sentence.

The (responsible) disposal of waste materials is important.

Using nominal groups allows you to include more complex structures in your writing.


Nominal Group 4




head noun



The premodifier its specifies whose, i.e. the community’s.

its participation


Nominal Group 5

head noun



prepositional phrase


in various recycling programs

The postmodifier is used to expand on information, specifying what the participation will be in.

participation in various recycling programs


Using nominal groups allows you to communicate more meaning in a simple sentence. It is also an effective way of extending your topic vocabulary because you are using a greater number of words. This also gives you the opportunity to use more elaborate structures and convey meaning more precisely.


Instead of verbs or verb phrases, it is possible to use nouns or noun phrases in written English. This also helps express ideas more precisely and concisely. Making verbs into nouns is called nominalisation.

Here are some examples of noun forms of verbs.



noun forms





to consume



to apply



to conserve



to investigate



to advertise

advertisement, advertising


to find



to develop



to be aware




Using nominalisation

Nominalised language is commonly used in formal academic writing. Ideas can be expressed more precisely and concisely.

verb phrase

Waste materials need to be disposed of properly.

noun phrase

The proper disposal of waste materials is necessary.

To be able to change the verb phrase into a noun phrase requires a command of word forms and word order.

verb to be → is

adverbs in a verb phrase change to an adjective: properly → proper


Nominalisation is also useful for Academic Writing Task 1. It provides another way of expressing changes in graphs, charts, processes or any other pictorial information.

verb phrase

The number of Internet users increased significantly.

noun phrase

There was a significant increase in the number of Internet users.



verb phrase

It is evident that interest in the product grew steadily.

noun phrase

The steady growth of interest in the product is evident.


To be able to change the verb phrase into a noun phrase requires a command of word forms and word order.

verb + adverb → adjective + noun

increased significantly → significant increase

grew steadily → steady growth


Nominalisation is a technique used in paraphrasing. This is particularly helpful when paraphrasing information from a question topic in an IELTS Writing Task 2 for an introductory paragraph. Here is the first sentence of a question topic.

question topic

Over the last decade, many large capital cites are being rapidly restructured and redeveloped.


In recent times there has been a rapid restructuring and redevelopment of many cosmopolitan cities.



Another way of expanding on information in your writing is using apposition. Here are two examples.

My friend, a teacher by profession, will be joining us for lunch.

His other film, quickly gaining in popularity, is a documentary.

Appositions are noun phrases which refer to the same grammatical structure. They are placed next to the structure they are defining or modifying.

Grammatical structure

noun phrase


noun phrase


My friend

a teacher by profession

gives more information about the friend

His other

film quickly gaining in popularity

gives more information about the film


     b) Learning Activities

Practise and consolidate your learning about vocabulary and word forms by completing our activities. The answers for all activities are on the last 2 pages.


Identify the nominal groups and apposition in the following paragraph.

Local communities are actively participating in various recycling programs to dispose of waste materials responsibly. The most common is household or domestic recycling. Many councils provide kerbside collection services for newspapers, glass, aluminium cans and plastic. These recyclables can significantly reduce the volume of rubbish which ends up in landfill sites. Another initiative, rapidly developing into a popular industry, is the recycling of green waste. This consists of shredding leaves, branches, trees and other materials to produce landscaping mulch, which serves to enrich soils in gardens and parks.



Complete the sentences with the correct noun form of the verbs or adjectives in brackets.

1. The ____________ (amend) to the bill was seen as a step in the right direction.

2. A vegetarian diet can lead to a ____________ (reduce) in the chances of developing chronic diseases.

3. The ___________ (decide) of the local council to suspend the burn off of bushland was welcomed by all.

4. There is no doubt that strict __________ (censor) of the internet is necessary for the sake of children.

5. The higher ___________ (consume) of fatty foods was a worrying trend.

6. All graduating students had to rate the _________ (deep) of their learning in the exit survey.

7. The statistics showed that the ___________ (produce) of iron ore dropped by 50% in 2009.

8. The line graph shows a slight ____________ (different) between then number of cinema goers and theatre attendees.

9. A thorough ____________ (re-evaluate) of the health care system was long overdue.

10. The findings from the research on childhood obesity will have ____________ (implicate) for future generations.



Nominal groups

Local communities are actively participating in various recycling programs to dispose of waste materials responsibly.

Nominal Groups


premodifier + head noun

Local communities


The most common is household or domestic recycling.

Nominal Groups


premodifier + head noun

The most common

premodifier + head noun

household or domestic recycling


Many councils provide kerbside collection services for newspapers, glass, aluminium cans and plastic.

Nominal Groups


premodifier + head noun

Many councils

premodifier + head noun

kerbside collection services

head noun + prepositional phrase

services for newspapers, glass, aluminium cans and plastic


These recyclables can significantly reduce the volume of rubbish which ends up in landfill sites.

Nominal Groups


premodifier + head noun

These recyclables

head noun + prepositional phrase

the volume of rubbish


Another initiative, rapidly developing into a popular industry, is the recycling of green waste.

Nominal Groups


premodifier + head noun

Another initiative

noun phrase + apposition

Another initiative rapidly developing into a popular industry

premodifier + head noun

the recycling

head noun + prepositional phrase

recycling of green waste


This consists of shredding leaves, branches, trees and other materials to produce landscaping mulch, which serves to enrich soils in gardens and parks.

Nominal Groups


head noun


head noun + prepositional phrase

soils in gardens and parks



1. amendment                      6. depth

2. reduction                           7. production

3. decision                             8. difference

4. censorship                       9. re-evaluation

5. consumption                    10. implications


     c) Transcript

Hello, and welcome to Study English, IELTS Preparation. I’m Margot Politis.

Today we’ll look at some strategies for meeting the requirements of vocabulary, one of the criteria used to assess IELTS candidates.

When writing, you can expand what you want to say by adding words that give more detail, or are more specific and descriptive.

This is a good way of showing the extent of your vocabulary.

Take this sentence for example:

Collection services can reduce rubbish.

What can you say to make this sentence more specific and descriptive?

First, look at ‘collection services’. Ask yourself who, what, why and where?

What sort of collection services reduce rubbish?

They could be 'weekly collection services' or 'better collection services'. You could also say 'more frequent collection services':

More frequent collection services can reduce rubbish.

You can do more than just use words in front of ‘collection services’. You can also add a phrase after it.

Ask yourself the same sort of questions: ‘what is collected, who is collecting it’?

So you can add:

More frequent collection services for recyclables can reduce rubbish.

You don’t have to stop at just one phrase. You might also want to say who does the collecting. So:

More frequent collection services for recyclables by councils can reduce rubbish.

You can also add words to the verb in the sentence. We know more collection can reduce rubbish – but by how much?

It can substantially reduce rubbish.


More frequent collection services for recyclables by councils can substantially reduce rubbish.

Substantially is an adverb. It’s one of the forms of the word substantial.

Adverbs often end with ‘-ly’

Other words that mean a large amount are vast, considerable and great.

Their adverbs are vastly, considerably and greatly.

Any of these words could be used instead of ‘substantially’.

A good vocabulary is not simply the number of words you know. It’s being able to use all the forms of a word correctly.

For instance 'reduce' means to become smaller or to lessen. Listen to how it’s used in this clip from a story about sealing roads:

In Asia the cost of re-doing roads is very high. We can address that issue and give them a tightly bound surface, which will reduce the costs for the regional councils.

Will reduce the costs. Reduce - that’s the base form of the verb. Reduce is a regular verb with the forms reducing and reduced. He uses one of these here:

Here you have a car that is travelling along an untreated section of road and then hitting a treated section of the road. You can see that the dust is reduced by a significant amount.

Is reduced by a significant amount. That’s a verb form. But what form of reduce would you use as an adjective?

Our product very effectively binds the soils and particles that make up the materials for the roads. This means you can have a reduced cost in terms of the number of times that road authorities have to maintain and repair that road over a long period of time.

A reduced cost. The –ed form can also be used as an adjective like this.

reduced price

reduced pressure

Reduce has a noun form. Listen:

One of the problems of driving on an unsealed road is the amount of dust that comes off the surface. With our treatment, we find there’s a dramatic reduction in that dust problem.

The noun is reduction. You’ll find that –ion endings for nouns, -ly for adverbs and – ed for adjectives are very common.

When you learn new words it is important that you know all their forms and practise using them. It’s a good strategy for building your vocabulary.

So learn word forms.

Another good strategy is to know which prepositions are normally used with particular words.

Let’s look at the word ‘reason’, a word you’re likely to use in an IELTS essay.

What preposition is reason used with?

Listen to this woman talking about a famous road in Australia:

The Great Ocean road is probably the most spectacular coastal drive in the world. I think the reason for that is that it’s got such a variety of scenery from cool temperate rainforests to the cliffs and rock stacks around the Twelve Apostles.

She says, “the reason for that is…”. Reason can be followed by the preposition ‘for’.

You can say, reason for leaving … or reason for arguing

Look at ‘know’ for instance. With the verb form ‘know’ we use the preposition ‘about’, know about, like this woman when explaining why she makes a scrapbook of her life:

I’m creating something that gives me a chance to put something about who I am onto that page. I often think when I’m working on a project, “What would my kids like to know about me in 20 or 40 years time?

Know about me. But with the noun form ‘knowledge’, we use ‘of’, ‘knowledge of’.

Listen to this man use ‘knowledge of’ to talk about an art collection that students are studying:

We have students from overseas in the course. They get to get this first-hand knowledge of this terrific collection, but also they can take that back with them to the countries they come from.

So let’s recap.

You can add detail about who, what and where to sentences like this.

The dragon is paraded.

The colourful dragon is paraded.

The colourful dragon is noisily paraded.

The colourful dragon with people inside it is noisily paraded.

The colourful dragon with people inside it is noisily paraded down the street.

To do this you need to know that the adjective of the word colour is colourful and the adverb of noise is noisily.

And you need to correctly use phrases such as ‘with people inside it’ and ‘down the street’.

This is the kind of vocabulary the examiners are looking for.

You also need to be aware of the prepositions that go with certain words.

You say that you know about something:

I’m creating something that gives me a chance to put something about who I am onto that page. I often think when I’m working on a project, “What would my kids like to know about me in 20 or 40 years time?

But have knowledge of something:

We have students from overseas in the course. They get to get this first-hand knowledge of this terrific collection, but also they can take that back with them to the countries they come from.

And you say that you have a reason for doing something:

The Great Ocean road is probably the most spectacular coastal drive in the world. I think the reason for that is that it’s got such a variety of scenery from cool temperate rainforests to the cliffs and rock stacks around the Twelve Apostles.

That’s all for now.

To find more information about vocabulary visit our Study English website at:

Good luck with your studies.


(Nguồn UTS: Insearch and Australia Network)


Đọc tiếp

IELTS Essay mức 5.0+ và 7.0+ tham khảo (Kỳ 1)

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 24/03/2010. Đăng trong Đề thi IELTS. Lượt xem : 15658


 The boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls are most influenced by their mothers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

Đọc tiếp

Bài Luyện Reading về chiến thắng của phim ‘The Hurt Locker’

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 24/03/2010. Đăng trong Thông tin Anh ngữ. Lượt xem : 6845

Giải thưởng điện ảnh Anh Quốc, Baftas, đã được công bố. Bộ phim giành chiến thắng lớn là 'The Hurt Locker', với sáu giải thưởng, trong đó có giải Đạo diễn Xuất sắc nhất được trao cho Kathryn Bigelow.

Đọc tiếp

Cách dùng PERSON và PEOPLE

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 24/03/2010. Đăng trong Hỏi đáp về Tiếng Anh. Lượt xem : 51635

Bản tiếng Anh (Bạn có thể tham khảo phần tiếng Việt bên dưới)

There are several points to make here. The first one is to do with singular and plural nouns, I'm sure you know that most nouns in English are made plural by putting an s on the end, so for example, girl – girls, boy – boys. But some nouns have irregular plurals, for example child – children. And 'person' is one of those nouns that has an irregular plural. 'People' is in fact the plural form of person. So for example we talk about one person and two people. So in normal everyday speech you will hear people talking about 'many people', 'there were a lot of people at the concert', for example. 

However it becomes slightly more complicated because sometimes you do see the word 'persons'. For example if you're in a lift or elevator you might see the sign 'Four persons only'. And sometimes if you're listening to the news, to news reports you may hear news reports talking about persons. So for example 4 persons were injured in the accident, or police are looking for 5 persons. Persons is normally a more formal use, a more formal plural form. 

It gets slightly more complicated when you find the word peoples. People can be used to mean a nationality – all of the people of one country – so for example 'the people of Cuba'. And when you're talking about a group of nationalities you may find the word 'peoples', for example, 'the peoples of South America'. So that's another slightly more complicated and not so common use of the word 'peoples'. 

Finally you may find the word 'person' attached to a number. For example 'a two-person car', 'a three-person room'. This is where 'person' is being used to describe the noun. '2 – person' is the adjective describing 'car' and as you know we don't put an 's' on an adjective. So far example we talk about a 'two-week holiday' not a 'two-weeks holiday' or a 'three-year course' not 'a three-years course'. So hear we use 'two-person car'. 

So in summary, normally you find 'people' as the plural form of 'person' – one person, three people. Sometimes you'll find people used to describe the nationality so you'll find 'peoples' to describe different nationalities and sometimes you'll find the word 'persons' in more formal styles of writing or in signs for example.

Bản tiếng Việt

Có một số điểm đáng chú ý trong câu hỏi này. Trước hết là danh từ số ít và số nhiều. Chắc chúng ta đều biết là phần lớn các danh từ số ít trong tiếng Anh được tạo thành danh từ số nhiều bằng cách thêm chữ -s vào cuối danh từ, ví dụ: girl - girls, boy - boys.

Nhưng một số danh từ có dạng số nhiều bất quy tắc, chẳng hạn: child - children. Và person là một trong những danh từ như vậy. Peopletrên thực tế là dạng số nhiều của danh từ person. Vì thế chúng ta nói về một người - one person, và hai người - two people.

Do vậy trong những câu nói hàng ngày, chúng ta nghe nói về nhiều người - many people'There were a lot of people at the concert'.

Tuy nhiên nó phức tạp hơn một chút vì đôi khi chúng ta gặp từ persons. Ví dụ: nếu bạn ở trong thang máy bạn có thể thấy viết 'Four persons only'. Và đôi khi nếu ta nghe tin tức, có thể nghe thấy từ personsđược dùng. Chẳng hạn '4 persons were injured in the accident', hay'Police are looking for 5 persons'. Từ persons thường được dùng trong ngữ cảnh trịnh trọng, là dạng số nhiều mang sắc thái trịnh trọng hơn.

Và nó lại còn trở nên phức tạp hơn khi chúng ta bắt gặp từ peoples. Ngoài nghĩa là người, people còn có thể được dùng để chỉ một dân tộc, nationality - tất cả người của một quốc gia - vì thế chúng ta có ví dụ: 'the people of Cuba'.

Khi chúng ta nói về nhiều dân tộc khác nhau, chúng ta sẽ phải dùng từpeoples, ví dụ: 'the peoples of South America' - các dân tộc Nam Mỹ. Đây là một cách dùng hơi khác và ít thông dụng của từ peoples.

Và cuối cùng chúng ta có thể bắt gặp từ person đi cùng với một con số. Ví dụ: 'a two-person car' một chiếc xe hai chỗ ngồi. Trong trường hợp này từ person được dùng trong một cụm từ có chức năng như một tính từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ 'car' và trong trường hợp như thế này chúng ta không thêm chữ -s vào một tính từ. Tương tự chúng ta nói 'a two-week holiday' - một kỳ nghỉ hai tuần liền, chứ không nói 'a two-weeks holiday', hay ' a three-year course', chứ không phải là 'a three-years course'.

Tóm lại, thông thường chúng ta thấy people là danh từ số nhiều củapersonone person, three people. Đôi khi từ people được dùng để chỉ một dân tộc vì thế chúng ta sẽ bắt gặp từ peoples để chỉ các dân tộc, quốc gia khác nhau, và đôi khi từ persons được dùng ở số nhiều trong văn viết chính thức, trịnh trọng, hay trong các biển chỉ dẫn.

Theo BBC 

Đọc tiếp

Huyền thoại Matrioska…

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 24/03/2010. Đăng trong Giải trí. Lượt xem : 5525

Không chỉ nổi tiếng ở Nga, đã từ lâu Matrioska hay còn gọi búp bê gỗ đã được nhiều nơi trên toàn thế giới biết đến. Bằng chính cái vẻ rất Nga, sự có mặt vui vẻ và ngộ nghĩnh của chúng tại các cuộc triển lãm, hội chợ, các festival lớn đã thực sự làm khán giả ngạc nhiên thích thú.

Đọc tiếp

Nguồn gốc của 7 ngày trong tuần…

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 23/03/2010. Đăng trong Giải trí. Lượt xem : 5723
Tại sao tuần lễ lại có 7 ngày? Vì sao số 7 lại được coi là con số "mầu nhiệm"? Bởi vì nó được xuất phát từ quan niệm của người châu Âu và liên quan đến hiểu biết của các nhà khoa học thời ấy về vũ trụ.
Đọc tiếp

Phần 4: Vận dụng các kiểu câu

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 23/03/2010. Đăng trong Free IELTS Online. Lượt xem : 20010

Đây là bài học cung cấp cho chúng ta các mẫu câu, bao gồm: câu đơn, câu phức, câu ghép và câu phức hợp; đồng thời hướng dẫn cho chúng ta cách sử dụng các mẫu câu này trong bài viết. Giám khảo sẽ xem xét tổng thể các mẫu câu được sử dụng trong bài đế đánh giá trình độ ngữ pháp và tính chính xác của bài viết đó.

{rokaccess guest} Đăng ký thành viên để xem nội dung chi tiết {/rokaccess} {rokaccess !guest}

1) Clip 1: Sentence Types

2) Clip 2: Vocabulary Exercise

3) Printable Documents

     a) Notes for Study


Use a variety of sentence types and structures in your writing.

Include a range of simple, compound and complex sentences as well as concession, modals, cause and effect and other grammatical structures.

These features make your writing effective, formal and more interesting.


In your writing you will be giving reasons, stating the results of a situation, linking statements which contrast with one another and showing other relationships between statements in a sentence. Using different structures and sentence types to express these kinds of ideas adds variety to your writing and also demonstrates the grammatical range of your language, a criterion by which your writing is assessed.


Grammatical Range and Accuracy

There are four types of sentence structures in English:

• simple

• compound

• complex

• compound-complex

A simple sentence is also called an independent clause.

Simple sentence

Pollution is a serious problem in cosmopolitan areas.






A compound sentence consists of 2 or more simple sentences and a conjunction.

Compound sentence

2 simple sentences

Pollution is a serious problem in cosmopolitan areas. The government is addressing the issue.

Compound sentence

Pollution is a serious problem in cosmopolitan areas but the government is addressing the issue.

but – coordinating conjunction expressing contrast


A complex sentence consists of an independent and a subordinate clause.

Complex sentence

Although the government is addressing the issue of pollution, it is still a serious problem in cosmopolitan areas.

Although – subordinating conjunction expressing concession


A compound-complex sentence consists of 2 or more independent clauses and 1 or more subordinate clauses.

Compound-complex sentence

Although the government is addressing the issue of pollution, it is still a serious problem in cosmopolitan areas and affects people’s health.

although – subordinating conjunction expressing concession

and – conjunction which joins two independent clauses

it is still a serious problem in cosmopolitan areas


it …. affects people’s health.


Connecting your ideas within sentences shows how the meanings of the clauses are related. For example, they may be contrasting ideas, providing a reason, adding another example or cause.

Using a variety of sentence structures to express these kinds of meanings provides an indication of the grammatical range of your language skills and is a criterion by which your writing is assessed.

Here is a Writing Task 2 question and a sample body paragraph which respond in part to the question.


Write about the following topic.

Society’s responsibility towards the environment today is reflected in the measures taken in disposing of waste through recycling.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.


The body paragraph below presents opposing arguments to the topic that society’s responsibility towards the environment is reflected in the measures taken in disposing of waste through recycling.

Body Paragraph

(1) On the other hand, some manufacturers continue to ignore the impact that the tonnes of waste generated by their goods has on the environment. (2) Two of the most obvious sources are discarded computers and electronic devices. (3)The component parts of these kinds of products cannot be reused nor recycled and do not breakdown in landfill tips where they are dumped. (4) Another major waste problem is packaging. (5) The shelves of supermarkets are full of items which are excessively packaged. (6) Though the contents of these products need to be preserved, protected and secured, triple wrapping is unjustifiable and wasteful.


There are 6 sentences in the above paragraph. There is also a range of structures which are used to express and connect ideas. Each of these sentences is considered separately.

Sentence 1

topic sentence of the paragraph (TS)

On the other hand, some manufacturers continue to ignore the impact that the tonnes of waste generated by their goods has on the environment.

complex sentence

independent clause                        +          subordinate clause

Independent clause


verb + to-infinitive


some manufacturers

continue to ignore

the impact

Subordinate clause

providing additional information using the relative pronoun that

that the tonnes of waste generated by their goods has on the environment

relative pronoun that

connects further information to the noun in the main (independent) clause, namely the impact to which it is referring


Sentence 2

first supporting sentence (SS1) – providing the sources of the goods

Two of the most obvious sources are discarded computers and electronic devices.

simple sentence


verb (one verb)


Two of the most obvious sources


discarded computers and electronic devices.


The complement, two of the most obvious sources, is in front position because it relates directly to the information in the previous sentence, namely garbage generated by their goods; discarded computers and electronic devices are the sources and the goods. Discarded computers and electronic devices is new information and new information, which is the subject, comes after the verb in this type of structure. The old information, which is two of the most obvious sources, comes first.


Sentence 3

developing sentence (DS)

The component parts of these kinds of products cannot be reused nor recycled and do not breakdown in landfill tips where they are dumped.

compound-complex sentence

compound sentence

one subject

two verbs

The component parts of these kinds of products

cannot be reused nor recycled and do not breakdown …

Coordinating conjunction and

joins two pieces of information which relate to the same subject, namely component parts


cannot be reused nor recycled

passive structure (+ be + participle) using a negative modal to express ‘impossibility’ cannot

do not breakdown

negative auxiliary verb do not + phrasal verb breakdown

Passive structures are used for a more formal and more impersonal style of writing.

complex part of the sentence – subordinate clause

… where they are dumped.

Subordinating clause

The subordinating clause is expressed using a relative adverb where to indicate ‘place’. It refers to landfill.


Sentence 4

second supporting sentence (SS2) – providing another source

Another major waste problem is packaging.

simple sentence


verb (one verb)



Another major waste problem




The use of this structure is the same as in sentence 2. The complement, Another major waste problem, is in front position because it refers back to information in the topic sentence, namely waste generated by their goods.

So, the problem is stated first and then identified in the sentence, i.e. ordering the information; packaging is the subject – it is new information which comes after the verb in this type of structure.


Sentence 5

first developing sentence (DS2.1)

The shelves of supermarkets are full of items which are excessively packaged.

complex sentence

independent clause                        +          subordinate clause

independent clause





The shelves of supermarkets


full of items

subordinate clause

relative pronoun which refers back to the noun (object) items

… which are excessively packaged.


Sentence 6

second developing sentence (DS2.2)

Though the contents of these products need to be preserved, protected and secured, triple wrapping is unjustifiable and wasteful.

complex sentence

subordinate clause              +          independent clause

subordinate clause

subordinating conjunction though used to express a concession

Though the contents of these products need to be preserved, protected and secured …

independent clause




triple wrapping


unjustifiable and wasteful.


The grammatical range of sentence types and structures used in this body paragraph is varied. Short simple sentences were used to emphasise the main ideas, while the complex and compound sentences incorporated more information allowing the writer to expand and develop the ideas more fully. Together this made the writing effective, formal and interesting.

In addition to grammatical range, the number of errors in grammar and punctuation is also measured. This provides an indication of your proficiency or grammatical accuracy. It is also a criterion by which your writing is assessed.

Use a variety of sentence types to make your writing more interesting. The same idea can be expressed in different sentences. For example:

simple sentence

Happiness is difficult to define.

Compound sentence

Happiness is difficult to define but it’s not impossible.

Complex sentence

Happiness is difficult to define because it can mean different things.

Complex sentence

Happiness is difficult to define because it means different things to different people.

Complex sentence

Though difficult to define, I think happiness lies in personal success.

Complex sentence

Because happiness can be interpreted in different ways, it is difficult to give a definition.


     b) Learning Activities

Practise and consolidate your learning about conjunctions and sentence types by completing our activities. The answers for all activities are on the last page.


Choose an appropriate conjunction or linking word from the box below to connect the two sentences. Make any necessary changes so that the sentence is grammatically correct.

especially      and                but                  where             so that

while              or                     which                         because         yet

1. Global warming is a serious problem. The government is addressing the issue.



2. Some strategies are firmly in place for minimising waste. The business world has not yet heeded the serious consequences of their inaction.



3. Public transportation is a good solution. It can reduce the amount of air pollution.



4. Every person can be an environmentalist in his/her own way. People can help reduce the effects of global warming.



5. Cooperation between government and health care agencies is important.

Proposed policies are accepted.



6. The benefits that robots provide cannot be disputed. This is evident in the technological and industrial fields of study.



7. Young graduates prefer travelling overseas. It gives them the opportunity to learn and absorb another language and culture.



8. One of the options was to merge with the parent company. The other option was to face bankruptcy.



9. The Environmental Action Group lost its case. It emerged with more community support and donations.



10. Parents need to be aware of their children’s activities in online chat rooms.

Predators may also be operating.




Choose the best endings for the following sentences.

1. People may join environmental groups or

a. affect the rate of pollution.

b. disseminate information about pollution.

2. Developing countries are having difficulty providing clean water and food much less

a. basic needs and shelter.

b. health care and social welfare.

3. Global warming is an international concern because

a. it affects the climate and nature worldwide.

b. of a decrease in pollution.

4. There has been more information in the media about food additives recently whereas

a. before people weren’t aware of the dangers.

b. before it has been widely publicised.

5. Not only is the use of alcohol and tobacco on the rise, but

a. teenagers have stopped attending school.

b. teenagers are experimenting with designer drugs.

6. Vegetarians risk developing dietary deficiencies if

a. animal protein is consumed.

b. nutritional requirements aren’t maintained.

7. One way of relaxing when on holidays is to enjoy the beach. Alternatively,

a. one could take in a show or the local night life.

b. one could join in a game of beach volleyball.

8. Some argue that capital punishment is appropriate for crimes such as

a. premeditated murder and drug trafficking.

b. an effective deterrent against violence.

9. Industries should be required to establish waste management programs so that

a. older generations can start recycling.

b. future generations can enjoy a cleaner environment.

10. I was well-prepared for my final test. Consequently,

a. I was confident of success.

b. I wasn’t sure of my chances.


1. Global warming is a serious problem but the government is addressing the issue.

2. While some strategies are firmly in place for minimising waste, the business world has not yet heeded the serious consequences of their inaction.

3. Public transportation is a good solution because it can reduce the amount of air pollution.

4. Every person can be an environmentalist in his/her own way and help reduce the effects of global warming.

5. Cooperation between government and health care agencies is important so that proposed policies are accepted.

6. The benefits that robots provide cannot be disputed, especially in the technological and industrial fields of study.

7. Young graduates prefer travelling overseas which gives them the opportunity to learn and absorb another language and culture.

8. One of the options was to merge with the parent company or face bankruptcy.

9. The Environmental Action Group lost its case yet it emerged with more community support and donations.

10. Parents need to be aware of their children’s activities in online chat rooms where predators may also be operating.



1. b                              6. b

2. b                              7. a

3. a                              8. a

4. a                              9. b

5. b                              10. a


     c) Transcript

Hello, and welcome to Study English, IELTS Preparation. I’m Margot Politis.

One of the criteria used to assess your writing in the IELTS test is called grammatical range and accuracy. The examiners will look at the number of mistakes you make, and also at the range of sentence types you use.

What is the range of sentence types? There is a simple sentence, like this:

Pollution is a problem.

This example shows you the basic structure. A subject pollution, a verb is, and the object a problem. A simple sentence can have more words than this. You can add adjectives:

Pollution is a serious problem.

Air pollution is a serious problem.

And you can add information with a preposition like ‘in’

Air pollution is a serious problem in the city.

Or ‘from’

Air pollution from cars is a serious problem in the city.

So a simple sentence doesn’t have to be short or simple.

Most of the time the thing that’s simple about simple sentences is the idea they express. Listen to some typical simple sentences in this piece about an old theatre:

It is a lovely theatre. It has excellent acoustics. It's a classic 3 tiered, horse-shoe shaped auditorium.

You tend to use simple sentences for straightforward information.

It is a lovely theatre to work in.

It has excellent acoustics.

You can add detail, but the idea is not complicated. Listen again:

It's a classic 3 tiered, horse-shoe shaped auditorium.

But it’s best to use a variety of sentence types and not just a list of simple sentences.

Listen to this:

The foundation stone was laid in 1834 and the theatre opened in 1837.

You can join two simple sentences together with ‘and’.

The two sentences are:

The foundation stone was laid in 1834.

The theatre opened in 1837.

Joining them with 'and' gives you a compound sentence.

Listen again:

The foundation stone was laid in 1834 and the theatre opened in 1837.

But what type of sentence do you use if you want to say something a little more complicated? Listen:

Although the Theatre Royal has some of the disadvantages of this sort of theatre, such as the columns which people don't like sitting behind, it still has atmosphere.

This sort of sentence is called a complex sentence. A complex sentence isn’t just 2 sentences joined together. Some parts of a complex sentence might not be a complete idea. For instance, the first part of this sentence is quite long with a subject, verb and object, but it isn’t complete:

Although the Theatre Royal has some of the disadvantages such as the columns which people don't like sitting behind …

That doesn’t express a complete thought. It needs a simple sentence to finish it:

it still has atmosphere.

If you take the detail out, you have a structure like this:

Although the theatre has disadvantages, it has atmosphere.

‘Although the theatre has disadvantages’ is what is called a dependent clause.

It depends on a simple sentence - it has atmosphere – to become complete and form a complex sentence.

Here is another complex sentence.

When you stand in the middle of the stage, you can talk to everybody.

When you stand in the middle of the stage – that’s a dependent clause. It needs another simple sentence or independent clause to make sense:

When you stand in the middle of the stage, you can talk to everybody.

You can even change the order of the clauses and say:

You can talk to everybody when you stand in the middle of the stage.

Apart from although and when, some of the words used to create dependent clauses like this are: which, that, because, after, and where.

Knowing how to use them is important. It’s something you should practise.

There is one other type of sentence, which is a combination of compound and complex sentences like this:

When the theatre was first built, it was said to look like a 2 storey house and on the outside of the building you can see the stone window sills.

Normally people use a range of sentence types as we’ve seen with the man talking about the theatre. It’s your ability to use these various sentence types that the examiners notice.

Listen as he finishes with a complex sentence, a simple sentence and a complex/compound sentence:

If I could sum up this theatre in a few words, I suppose I could call it an international theatre star! This is the oldest theatre in Australia. It’s been operating for a hundred and 59 years and, who knows, it might still be here in another one hundred and fifty nine years.

His first sentence was complex. Sentences with ‘if’ are mostly complex because an ‘if’ clause depends on another sentence to make sense. Listen:

If I could sum up this theatre in a few words, I suppose I could call it an international theatre star!

Remember that a simple sentence can consist of a subject – this, a verb – is, and an object – the oldest theatre in Australia. Listen:

This is the oldest theatre in Australia.

A compound sentence is two sentences joined by ‘but’ or, as here ‘and’:

It's been operating for one hundred and fifty nine years and who knows, it might still be here in another one hundred and fifty nine years.

There are 2 sentences here joined by ‘and’. The second part is complex with the dependent clause ‘who knows’.

who knows, it might still be here in another hundred and fifty nine years.

So we’ve seen what can go right. What can go wrong?

A simple sentence must have a verb. Is this a sentence?

The house in the country.

No. It looks like a sentence but there is no verb. Let’s add a verb.

The house is in the country.

That’s a simple sentence.

The main problem people have with compound sentences is a mistake called a runon sentence. It’s when 2 simple sentences are run together without using a conjunction such as ‘and’ or ‘but’:

Look at this:

The theatre is small it is beautiful.

That’s a run-on sentence. It’s either 2 simple sentences:

The theatre is small. It is beautiful.

Or it’s a compound sentence:

The theatre is small, but it is beautiful.

So let’s recap. A simple sentence is basically a subject Pollution a verb is – and an object a problem. It’s also called an independent clause.

A compound sentence is two independent clauses joined by a conjunction such as and, but or so.

A complex sentence is a combination of a dependent clause or clauses with an independent clause. It’s a good way to express some of your ideas in an essay.

Be careful. Using too many simple sentences can make your writing choppy and dull and too many long sentences can make it difficult to follow your ideas. So use both.

That’s all for now. To find more information about sentence types visit our Study

English website at:

Good luck with your studies.


(Nguồn UTS: Insearch and Australia Network)

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