Study Abroad Tips: Consider to Change if you are Doing these

Written by mktintern. Published on 01/05/2024. Posted in Share. View : 649
Danh Kevin (a student of SETizens) will provide you with a more realistic perspective and \experience for yourself before embarking on your study journey in Australia.

1.  Focus Solely on Studying

Studying is important for students studying abroad. However, exclusively concentrating on academics without allocating time for extracurricular activities can be detrimental.

When you focus solely on studying, you’re more prone to burnout, and there’s even a risk of feeling exhausted during critical periods. Continuous studying over a prolonged period can lead to fatigue, stress, and disengagement, affecting the quality of your learning and your ability to absorb knowledge.

Moreover, exclusively concentrating on academics may cause you to miss out on opportunities to explore and experience a new cultural environment. Studying abroad is an opportunity to broaden your horizons, interact with international peers, and learn new things. If you only focus on studying, you may struggle to fully enjoy these wonderful experiences.

Furthermore, strive for a balanced lifestyle by engaging in other activities such as joining clubs, participating in extracurricular activities, recreational activities, etc. This will help you expand and maintain relationships, explore career fields, alleviate pressure, and develop essential soft skills.

2. Unclear on Define Key Subjects for Focus

Clearly defining key subjects will help you allocate study time efficiently, avoiding overload leading to exhaustion. This is particularly crucial for students studying the VCE program, where only the top 4 subjects will retain 100% of the score, while the rest will retain only 10%. After considering these factors, you need to plan your study schedule for each subject, specifying study time, review sessions, practice tests, etc., to ensure good results in the graduation exam.

You can determine which subjects are important based on the following three factors:

  • Past performance: Evaluating academic results helps students identify their strengths.
  • Passion: Subjects that students love and are passionate about are usually those they are interested in learning and can devote their full potential and dedication to.
  • Career suitability: Some professions have entry requirements that require students to achieve certain scores in specific subjects. Therefore, students need to consider choosing subjects that are suitable for the career they want to pursue in the future.

3. Make friends only from their race/ nationality:

While it’s natural to seek connections with fellow Vietnamese while abroad, solely focusing on these connections is a mistake. Take the time to immerse yourself in various cultures. What if your Australian friend could provide you with job opportunities?

Open up to everyone, especially teachers who have an open-minded view of the world. They can help you understand more about Australian culture, society, and career opportunities. You’ll gain insight into different cultures and learn new languages. And if you plan to apply for permanent residency in Australia, don’t forget that native Australian students could become your future colleagues.

4. Limited Communication with Teachers

Teachers are the ones grading you, and their feedback closely aligns with how they assess students. Therefore, if you want to make a good impression on your teachers, start talking to them.

The simplest way to impress teachers is to diligently submit practice SACs (School-assessed Coursework). This will help teachers better understand your writing style and gain a more objective view of your abilities. Additionally, don’t hesitate to break the silence in class. A correct answer in a crowded classroom is enough to make you the “saviour” of the teacher. Finally, send a thank-you note after each SAC. This small gesture shows your appreciation for the teacher and makes them feel loved, prompting them to pay more attention to you.

5. Limited Participation in School Clubs

University life is one of the most beautiful and memorable times in an individual’s life journey. It’s a time of freedom, self-discovery, skill development, and the forging of new relationships. Thus, engaging in school clubs serves as a vital bridge to these experiences:

  • It serves as a valuable addition to your CV, facilitating easier access to scholarships in the future: School clubs provide practical experiences, soft skills development, and showcasing one’s abilities. This enhances one’s appeal to prospective employers and increases the likelihood of securing scholarships post-graduation.
  • A small place to shine, breaking free from academic performance: University life isn’t solely about academics; it encompasses a plethora of engaging extracurricular activities. Why hesitate to immerse yourself and discover their true potential?
  • It fosters connections with like-minded individuals: Within these clubs, individuals with shared passions and interests can be found. These companions may not only accompany you throughout your university journey but could also evolve into future professional collaborators.

So which clubs should you join?

Depending on your interests and abilities, you can choose to join various clubs. Here are some suggestions:

  • Debating Club: This club is ideal for those who enjoy debating. It’s a place where you can hone your argumentative skills, and critical thinking, and broaden your knowledge base.
  • Sports Club: This is perfect for sports enthusiasts who want to stay active and competitive while making new friends.
  • Language Club: For those passionate about language and cultural exchange, this club offers the opportunity to engage in lively conversations with friends from around the world. Joining this club not only helps improve your language skills but also enhances your cultural understanding and problem-solving abilities.

Danh Kevin (on the right) – A SET international student currently studying at Swinburne University.

DU HỌC SET is a prestigious study abroad consultancy center with over 20 years of experience in nurturing the ‘dream’ of studying in Australia for thousands of students. To receive advice on study plans, selecting schools, and choosing majors that align with your goals and interests, don’t hesitate to leave your information in the chatbox or contact our hotline at 0909 809 115 for personalized study abroad guidance.

[Source: Danh Kevin – SET’s international student]

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