English in daily use – Tặng bia lấy việc làm

Được viết bởi Set Education. Đăng ngày 27/07/2012. Đăng trong General English. Lượt xem : 9044

come up with

‘I actually didn’t think it was such a big deal, just to come up with the idea.’

‘Come up with’ có nghĩa là nghĩ ra một ý tưởng hay kế hoạch.

‘We can always rely on him to come up with some excellent suggestions.’

‘Come up with’ còn có nghĩa tạo ra/ kiếm được hay sáng chế cái gì đó khi cần đến.

‘If you don’t come up with the money, you’ll be in big trouble.’

a couple of grand

‘It’s only a couple of grand’s worth of beer. I think it’s a worthy investment in your son’s future.’

Trong ngữ cảnh này, danh từ ‘grand’ có nghĩa là một nghìn đô la và nó là danh từ ở dạng số nhiều.

Khi nói ‘a couple of grand’ có nghĩa là khoảng hai nghìn đô la.

‘Grand’ khi là tính từ được dùng để chỉ rất lớn hay quan trọng. Ví dụ: ‘a grand place’ hay ‘a grand old man’.

get started

‘I was just trying to get started with a trade.’

‘Get started’ có nghĩa là bắt đầu là việc gì đó.

‘We couldn’t wait to get started on the new project.’

‘Get someone started’ lại có nghĩa là giúp ai bắt đầu thực hiện công việc gì.

 ‘It was my friend who got me started in writing.’

give something a shot

‘I gave Australia a shot.’

Khi nói ‘give something a shot’ có nghĩa là ‘thử xem sao’, có ý định hay cố gắng thực hiện việc gì đó.

‘He’s good with maths so his father encouraged him to give an engineering course a shot.’

‘I plan to give writing a shot during my holiday.’

Một số thành ngữ khác với ‘shot’: ‘give something your best shot’ có nghĩa là nỗ lực tốt nhất của bạn, nếu ai ‘calls the shots’ có nghĩa là họ ở vị trí có quyền quyết định cuối cùng.

show up

‘I showed up at stores in person and still nothing.’

Show up có nghĩa là xuất hiện, lộ diện.

 ‘The white carpet showed up the orange juice stain.’

‘I waited for an hour, but she didn’t show up.’

‘To show one up’ có nghĩa là làm xấu mặt ai đó.

‘Try not to show me up in front of my friends, will you?’

throw in the bin

‘I just threw that résumé straight in the bin.’

Cụm từ ‘throw in the bin’ có nghĩa đen là vứt cái gì vào thùng rác, nó cũng có nghĩa bóng là dứt khoát từ bỏ điều hay vật gì.

‘Please throw your waste paper in the rubbish bin.’

‘Throw in’ còn có nghĩa khác như xen vào, ví dụ: ‘he throws in a question’.

Và khi người bán hàng ‘throws in something extra’, có nghĩa anh ta tặng khách hàng thêm món hàng nào đấy miễn phí.

‘Buy a computer and we’ll throw in a printer for you.’

run around

‘I don’t believe that the dad should have to do all the running around to get his son a job.’

‘Run around’ có nghĩa là bận bịu làm nhiều việc khác nhau.

 ‘I have been running around all day doing the chores.’

‘Children can’t sit still, they like to run around.’


‘offer legit: no BS’

BS là cách viết tắt của ‘bullshit’, một từ chửi thề có thể gây phản cảm đối với một số người nhưng thường nghe thấy trong các đối thoại hàng ngày.

Danh từ ‘bullshit’ có nghĩa là ý định, ý đồ lừa gạt ai đó. Khi là động từ nó cũng có nghĩa tương tự.

‘Don’t try to bullshit me.’

Nó cũng có thể dùng là một thán từ để thể hiện sự thiếu tin tưởng.

‘A bullshit artist’, hay ‘bull artist’ là người nổi tiếng bởi cách nói khoa trương, cường điệu, phóng đại, không đáng tin cậy.


Transcript {rokaccess guest} – Vui lòng đăng ký thành viên để xem {/rokaccess}

{rokaccess registered, special}

MARTIN CUDDIHY: It’s not your average “employment wanted” advertisement. It reads; “Free beer, one year’s supply. Fifty cartons in exchange for electrical apprenticeship for my 19-year-old son. Local, hardworking, reliable, desperate, not a quitter.” It then provides the mobile numbers before finishing up, “Legitimate offer, no BS.” The ad was placed by Paul McVeigh, a Mackay dad who’s desperate.

PAUL MCVEIGH: We put out a few resumes and didn’t have any feedback. I actually didn’t think it was such a big deal. Just come up with the idea and thought it was a bit of a laugh and see what would happen and it’s only a couple of grands worth of beer. I think it’s a worthy investment in your son’s future.

MARTIN CUDDIHY: His son is Nick McVeigh, who had been living with his mother in Denmark until five months ago.

NICK MCVEIGH: I was just trying to get started with a trade but the Danish economy is a bit different at the moment so I gave Australia a shot.

MARTIN CUDDIHY: So far the McVeighs haven’t had much luck.

NICK MCVEIGH: We’ve been around and we haven’t found anything so far. I’ve showed up at stores in person and still nothing. Sent out resumes to more than 100 places at least, all over Queensland.

MARTIN CUDDIHY: Paul McVeigh is a fitter and turner in the mines. He says despite the resources boom, it’s not as easy to find work as you might be led to believe.

PAUL MCVEIGH: It’s a very competitive industry of course. So yeah just like I said it depends on where you live and you know if you’re willing to travel and it’s a different life of course in the mines but, yeah, it is a lot harder than you think.

MARTIN CUDDIHY: The offer of free beer hasn’t exactly impressed one local business. Christine Bower is the office manager at A Plus Electrical and Air conditioning in Mackay. She says Paul McVeigh walked into her office with the offer recently.

CHRISTINE BOWER: And I just threw that resume straight in the bin because I feel as though his son should have come in with his dad and I don’t believe that the dad should have to do all the running around to get his son a job.

MARTIN CUDDIHY: If Nick McVeigh was to do the running around and he came in to see you would you re-think?

CHRISTINE BOWER: Umm probably not because I feel as though the son’s there now because the dad is making him.

MARTIN CUDDIHY: Paul McVeigh says his son has been doing plenty of job hunting PAUL

MCVEIGH: We both run around handing out leaflets the other day so me son did, he sends out resumes as well.

MARTIN CUDDIHY: It’s reminiscent of the jobless Irish graduate who last year spent his life savings on a billboard asking prospective employers to “save him from emigration.” And Just like Ireland, there’s been a lot of interest in the offer of free beer. Paul McVeigh just hopes it turns into a job. You’ve said the response has been overwhelming but has there been an offer of a job yet?

PAUL MCVEIGH: No not yet there hasn’t. No, but hopefully yeah with what’s happening there will be. So if this doesn’t work I don’t know what will.


Nguồn: ABC Radio Australia

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